Batista really enjoyed working with James Gunn on Guardians Of The Galaxy. When Disney axed Gunn from the third installment of Guardians, there was some thought that he might jump ship because of that. He almost did join Gunn’s Suicide Squad project, but that never materialized. Then he joined Zack Snyder for Army of the Dead instead. He will also be a part of the animated spin-off that is currently in development.
Digital Spy recently spoke to Batista where he explained why this decision was made for his career. He called James Gunn and said that he wished that he could work with him, but the former WWE Superstar had to think about his career.
“I get to build a relationship with Netflix, I get a lead role in a great film – and I get paid a lot more money. I had to call James, and I told him, ‘It breaks my heart, because as a friend, I want to be there with you, but professionally, this is the smart decision for me.’”
James Gunn will return for the third installment of Guardians of the Galaxy and Marvel fans are very happy about that. Batista in the Suicide Squad would have been interesting, but he decided that fighting zombies was the right move to make instead of jumping ship to a DC property.