Eugene Levy is alive and well. Do not believe the online rumors, because Jim’s Dad from American Pie is doing just fine. This is according to his real son, Dan.
Dane Levy jumped on Twitter and he saw something that he shut down in a hurry. Someone tweeted out that his father, legendary comedic actor Eugene Levy, had died. That is not the case.
“News to me,” Dan fired off to the now-deleted tweet. Thankfully, Dan was there to stop this rumor from snowballing. The last thing we need is to lose a treasure like Eugene Levy (and his eyebrows).
This person did reply with an apology, “Sorry all I seriously thought he had passed. I’m glad I am wrong. I was sitting here watching the show super sad.” Dan has yet to respond.
Eugene Levy and his son Dan star in Schitt’s Creek along with the great Catherine O’Hara, which has an incredible following. Many regard it as one of the best comedies running on television in years. Sadly, the show was cancelled at the height of its popularity, but it was a call from the show’s creators instead of the network.