John Cena tackled the Peacemaker role with gusto and it got him a spin-off series. Executives loved Cena as the DC character so much that he had an HBO Max spin-off series green lit before the Suicide Squad sequel was 100% completed.

Plenty of fans are excited to see John Cena as The Peacemaker. He’s done plenty of interviews in the outfit to get fans used to seeing him in that suit. We’ve also seen Cena in that suit while it was drenched in blood, and that was quite a sight.

James Gunn, the man behind the Suicide Squad and Peacemaker franchise, was asked on Instagram when the Peacemaker spin-off series will drop. He did not disappoint when replying: “January 2022.”

Fans will only have to wait about six more months until John Cena’s adventures as The Peacemaker continues. This is quite interesting considering the fact that the Suicide Squad 2 film is set to drop in August. The Peacemaker story will continue past the second Suicide Squad movie. It hasn’t been confirmed that any other big names from the film franchise will be involved in the HBO Max series.


Are you pumped about the Suicide Squad spin-off Peacemaker series? What do you think about John Cena’s career in Hollywood so far?

H Jenkins

Years of experience in writing, journalism, and digging exclusive insider info for Ringside News opened the door for a new opportunity for Jenkins. With a history in finance, he broke into the journalism game by writing on blogs and other freelance websites before branching into sports and entertainment news. Being in tune with pop culture doesn't mean it has to make sense, but he tries. Favorite bands include any group from Seattle who formed between 1991 and 1999. 5 Ozzfests under his belt and 12 Warped Tours, but his last concert was a bluegrass AC/DC cover band that was not 100% terrible.

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