You never know what you’ll see in NYC. People recently looked up to see a legit hoverboard screaming own the streets, hovering well above any cars.
Tweets about Spider-Man and the Green Goblin broke out on Twitter. The Green Goblin trended in a way that it probably never has before. People had no idea what to think about the situation.
No, this is not a Green Goblin rip-off, nor does it have anything to do with Spider-Man. This is an actual hoverboard in development. A consumer version is not available yet, but you can find more information about the Omni Hoverboard here.
“I was on the set of Spider-Man film for weeks and saw when The Green Goblin came for Toby McGuire live. This is way coooooooler!!” Dante The Comic tweeted out in response.
This is a situation that garnered a lot of attention. We can only imagine how much attention Omni Hoverboards will cause if they ever drop a commercial version for anyone to buy.
You can check out the clip below along with a variety of responses that this event garnered.
What’s your take on this situation? Will you buy an Omni Hoverboard when they finally drop for consumers? Sound off in the comments!