Azealia Banks has made a number of controversial statements in the past. That includes fat-shaming celebrities such as Doja Cat and Megan Thee Stallion, calling Nicki Minaj “f*cking stupid,” making racially inappropriate remarks about Zayn Malik, and the list goes on.

In the wake of Joe Rogan’s recent backlash after a video compilation of all of the times he’s said the “n-word” on his podcast was shared on social media, the New York rapper wants the public to be more forgiving.

Azealia Banks said she wishes people would give her a second chance over some of the terrible things she has said. It is in response to Spotify’s support of Joe Rogan, who has had numerous controversies over the last year.

Damn, Joe Rogan is about to get a slap on the hand for being grown and knowing not to say the n-word and continue to prosper. I’m still being punished in adulthood for things I said as a kid and have repeatedly apologized for. This is not any attempt to garner sympathy but if he gets the room to learn from ‘mistakes’ and we are acknowledging that people deserve second chances and room to grow, I would’ve really benefitted from having those same opportunities extended to me when I needed them most. I definitely needed that compassion, good will, and support on multiple occasions. Not a pity party but just even the tiniest bit of support could have changed my life on levels deeper than music.


You don’t have to agree with her, but Azealia Banks makes a valid point. If Joe Rogan can speak the “n-word” thousands of times on his internationally famous podcast without repercussions, Azealia Banks’ troubles shouldn’t have resulted in her being blackballed from the music industry.

What’s your opinion on this? Sound off in the comments!

H/T to HotNewHipHop.

Tags: Joe Rogan
Gunjan Nath

In search of simplicity and inner peace, Gunjan is basically a guy soldiering through his paranoia. You could say Art, Witty/Dark Humor, Movies, Anime, Post-rock/Black Metal/Hip-Hop/Shoegaze Music, Football, Creative Writing, Photography, Videography are his forte. A Jack of All Trades and a Master of Many.

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