Futurama fans were thrilled by a surprise announcement that the popular animated series would be revived once again for Hulu. Most of the entire cast is already on board for the relaunch. One key cast member has not yet reached an agreement.

John DiMaggio voices the potty-mouthed robot Bender. Matt Groening’s creation has already had DiMaggio voice Bender through multiple iterations of the series. While both sides are eager to get a deal done, fans aren’t confident that it will happen.

“Bender” was trending on Twitter in the wake of the announcement as several outlets jumped the gun and implied that DiMaggio has no chance of coming back. Both sides, however, are interested in John’s return. Futurama enthusiasts can’t imagine Bender being voiced by anyone else. They’d be devastated if the role had to be recast.

“@hulu needs to work a deal out with @TheJohnDiMaggio. Futurama won’t be the same without John DiMaggio voicing the most iconic character, on the show, Bender. The new episodes will not be the same without John. Don’t ruin my favorite show”


“@TheJohnDiMaggio needs to voice Bender. That’s the tweet.”

“@hulu you have to step in here and figure this out. #Bender is #Futurama and @TheJohnDiMaggio is Bender. Therefore, @TheJohnDiMaggio is Futurama. Making sure John is cast as Bender is literally the most important part of having success with your new episodes.”

“@TheJohnDiMaggio is literally the backbone of this show and I refuse to accept anyone else voicing Bender Rodriguez”

There is still plenty of time for the two sides to work out a deal. If not, Hulu will have to look elsewhere for a new Bender. That obviously will not sit well with fans of Futurama.

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Michael Perry

Michael Perry is a news contributor for Ringside News and Thirsty for News. Michael has an M.A. in Communication Technology from Point Park University in his hometown of Pittsburgh, PA.

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