James Gunn’s Guardians Of The Galaxy film series is one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s most beloved series of all time, as it propelled the careers of Dave Bautista and Chris Pratt to superstardom. The first film was released back in 2014 with a sequel releasing three years after in 2017. Now it seems James Gunn made a huge tease regarding the film recently.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Phase 4 is finally starting and the company has a lot of huge things planned for it. It was previously confirmed that Guardians Of The Galaxy 3 was going to release on May 5th, 2023.
For weeks now, director James Gunn has been tweeting about an ongoing prank that someone has been playing on him on set. Several Rick and Morty character keychains have been found on Gunn’s video feed stand, but Gunn isn’t the one putting them there.
James Gunn took to Twitter and revealed that yet another Rick Sanchez keychain was added to his desk while he was busy filming with a very special guest for the upcoming film.
Forgot to post this yesterday, I was so busy trying to complete the week of filming on #GotGVol3 with a very special guest star! 😏 DAY 7. Rick 2 has shown up. Still no idea who is doing this to my cart. #rickandmorty
The Guardians Of The Galaxy cast are also emotional as they continue filming for the final film in the trilogy. We will have to wait and see how the film will turn out to be next year.