God of War franchise centers on the protagonist Kratos and his adventure in the Greek world. From its initial release in 2005 up until the most recent release in 2018, Kratos leads a path of vengeance after being deceived into killing his family by the Olympian gods.
Variety has learnt that Amazon Prime Video is in talks to pick up a live-action TV series version of “God of War” from Sony Pictures Television and PlayStation Productions. The project based on the popular PlayStation game published by Santa Monica Studio has yet to be finalized.
“The Expanse” founders Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby, as well as “The Wheel of Time” showrunner Rafe Judkins, are behind the possible series. Since the release of ‘God of War’ on PlayStation 2 in 2005, Santa Monica Studio has produced seven titles on various platforms.
If the “God of War” show is picked up by Amazon, it will be the latest in a long line of video game-based TV series in development. It will join Amazon’s “Fallout” adaptation from “Westworld” creators Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan, HBO’s “The Last of Us” (based on another PlayStation property), Paramount Plus’ upcoming “Halo,” Peacock’s Anthony Mackie-led “Twisted Metal,” and Netflix’s “Resident Evil.”
Sony Pictures Television and Amazon Studios representatives declined to comment any further details. The news that Amazon was in talks for the “God of War” TV series was first reported by Deadline.