Better Call Saul premiered in 2015 as a spinoff of the wildly popular series “Breaking Bad.” The show’s final season is scheduled to premiere on April 18. Fans have been looking forward to the series’ conclusion. The latest tease from the show’s producers has them even more excited.
A tweet from the official Better Call Saul Twitter account revealed that two main characters from Breaking Bad will be featured in the final season. Walter White and Jesse will be revisited in the latest offering from AMC. It is not yet known how prominently the characters will be featured.
Now that the secret is out, fans will surely begin to speculate on how the characters will be used. It will be the first time Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul reprise their roles since El Camino, the Breaking Bad movie, in 2019. Details have been extremely scarce.
Cranston’s Walter White was lauded as one of the best performances by a television actor of all time. The character started out as a simple suburban father. By the end of the serious, he was a brutal drug lord.
Time will tell what happens with Walter White and Jesse in the upcoming season of Better Call Saul. It will be a moment fans have looked forward to for nearly a decade. The new season will hit AMC in just over a week.
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