The fourth installment in the Thor franchise, “Thor: Love and Thunder,” is continuing to be a smashing hit across the globe. The film has earned more than $300 million at the global box office, but none of the earnings have come from China – which is arguably the biggest market for superhero flicks.
“Thor: Love and Thunder,” the 29th movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, earned $302 million worldwide in its debut in theaters over the weekend, including $143 million in the US.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Chinese authorities have banned the film over the inclusion of LGBTQ+ themes. Online controversies have also played a role in the ever-increasing spat between Hollywood and Chinese regulators that wield an iron grip over pop and culture.
China’s film regulators have a history of censoring certain themes in movies and TV in an effort to push “traditional” values in Chinese culture. Keep reading Thirsty for more!
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