Hold onto your seats, folks, because the Terminator himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger, is in some legal hot water over a gnarly car crash that went down last year. And it’s not looking too good for him!

According to the documents obtained by TMZ, a woman named Cheryl Augustine is pointing fingers squarely at Arnold. She claims that in January 2022, she was cruising near the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and Allenford Avenue in Los Angeles when she got slammed by none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Augustine is singing a tune that Arnold was driving “wrongfully and recklessly” and that he’s the one to blame for the smash-up. Ouch! She’s not holding back, saying that the crash caused her physical injuries, including a “shock and injury to her nervous system.” To make matters worse, she fears that these injuries may haunt her for life. Talk about a real-life action-packed drama!

Now, the lady is out for justice, seeking damages to cover her medical bills, the damage to her ride, and probably a little extra for the inconvenience.


Just in case you missed the memo, last year Arnold was behind the wheel of a Yukon SUV when it collided with a red Prius. But the chaos didn’t end there! Arnold’s SUV did a little dance, rolling right on top of the Prius and then making a move onto a Porsche Taycan. It’s like something out of one of his blockbuster movies!

Witnesses at the scene even said it looked like a scene straight out of an action film, with Augustine, the woman in the Prius, reportedly bleeding heavily from her noggin before being whisked away to the hospital.

And if that’s not enough drama, law enforcement sources have reportedly weighed in, suggesting that Arnold may have been in the wrong, claiming he took a left turn when the left turn arrow was still flashing red. Yikes!

So, stay tuned, folks, because this courtroom showdown is about to get real interesting!

What are your thoughts on Arnold Schwarzenegger’s legal situation regarding the car crash? Do you think he should be held responsible for the accident, or do you believe it was an unfortunate accident? Share your opinions on this unfolding legal drama.

Steve Carrier

Steve is the Founder of Thirsty for News and Ringside News. He has been writing about various topics dating back to 1997. He first got into website development at the time and has been focused on bringing his readers the best professional wrestling news at it's highest quality.

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