Pauly Shore remains determined to bring his Richard Simmons biopic to life, despite the recent passing of the iconic fitness guru.

The actor-comedian, who has been passionate about this project for some time, shared updates at LAX with a photographer, revealing that the film is still in development, albeit with some financial hurdles.

Shore disclosed that the Wolper Organization, a subsidiary of Warner Bros. tasked with developing the film, has yet to secure the necessary funding. He estimated that a budget of $5 to $10 million would be sufficient to proceed and expressed his willingness to accept a deferred payment to ensure the film’s completion.

This update comes shortly after Richard Simmons was found unresponsive in his Los Angeles home, following his 76th birthday. Tragically, he passed away, and police are investigating the death, which is believed to be due to natural causes. Reports indicate that Simmons had felt dizzy and fell in his bathroom the night before, declining medical attention.


Shore has been working on this biopic for several years and faced various challenges along the way. In January, Simmons appeared to change his stance on the project, later wishing Shore “good luck” via social media. However, Shore now questions whether Simmons himself was behind those messages.

Despite these uncertainties, Shore remains committed to moving the biopic forward, continuing to push for the project to honor the life and legacy of Richard Simmons.

Steve Carrier

Steve is the Founder of Thirsty for News and Ringside News. He has been writing about various topics dating back to 1997. He first got into website development at the time and has been focused on bringing his readers the best professional wrestling news at it's highest quality.

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