After 35 years of comedic chaos, The Simpsons has finally explained one of the longest-running mysteries in the series—how Homer Simpson has managed to stay employed at the Nuclear Power Plant despite being an endlessly incompetent worker.

The latest episode from Season 36, titled “Shoddy Heat,” dives into an untold part of Abe Simpson’s past and reveals a surprising deal that ensures Homer’s lifelong job security.

Homer’s repeated firings, career changes, and extended absences from the plant have been a running gag throughout the show’s history. However, fans never had a solid, in-universe reason for why Homer always managed to keep his job, even after countless blunders. That changed in the latest episode, which unveils a hidden connection between Abe Simpson, Mr. Burns, and Homer’s job at the Power Plant.

The episode flashes back to the 1980s, showing Abe Simpson working as a detective with a partner named Billy O’Donnell, voiced by guest star Topher Grace. When O’Donnell disappears while investigating Mr. Burns, Abe confronts Burns to uncover the truth, bringing a young Homer along for the meeting. Burns hints that O’Donnell has been “sent to paradise” and urges Abe to stop looking into the matter.


In exchange for Abe’s silence, Burns offers a deal that will change Homer’s future: a lifetime job at the Nuclear Power Plant. Burns promises that Homer will never be fired, no matter how often or badly he messes up. Abe reluctantly accepts, knowing that his son will likely need the support.

This revelation gives fans a new perspective on Homer’s seemingly endless string of firings and rehirings. Burns confesses that despite Homer making 742 critical mistakes, he’s upheld the deal. And when Abe finally reveals the secret to Homer, the bumbling patriarch feels empowered, thanking his father for looking out for him all these years.

While The Simpsons has made timeline adjustments and retcons before, this isn’t one of them. Homer has always managed to keep his job, even after quitting or being fired. This episode simply adds an in-universe reason for the status quo—giving the audience a glimpse of Mr. Burns’ motivations and a hidden layer of loyalty.

Mr. Burns’ famous line, “Don’t forget, you’re here forever,” now carries even more meaning. Even though Burns often forgets Homer’s name, the secret deal ensures Homer’s permanent place at the plant, and it was all because Abe agreed to drop his investigation into Billy O’Donnell. Interestingly, the episode confirms that O’Donnell wasn’t harmed—Burns simply paid him off to disappear.

This new storyline enriches the show’s history, providing a rare moment of depth between Homer and Abe while also adding context to one of The Simpsons’ longest-running jokes.

What do you think about this new revelation? Does it add depth to Homer’s character, or is it unnecessary backstory? Share your thoughts and favorite Simpsons moments in the comments below!

Steve Carrier

Steve is the Founder of Thirsty for News and Ringside News. He has been writing about various topics dating back to 1997. He first got into website development at the time and has been focused on bringing his readers the best professional wrestling news at it's highest quality.

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