The Karate Kid universe is expanding like never before, as Karate Kid: Legends officially brings together the beloved original franchise and the 2010 reboot. For the first time, Ralph Macchio’s Daniel LaRusso and Jackie Chan’s Mr. Han will share the screen, merging two generations of fans into one epic story.

The upcoming film follows Li Fong, played by American Born Chinese star Ben Wang, a young martial artist under the guidance of Jackie Chan’s Mr. Han. When Li faces the ultimate martial arts tournament, Mr. Han realizes he can’t do it alone. Desperate for help, he reaches out to Daniel LaRusso, Mr. Miyagi’s iconic protégé, to take Li’s training to the next level.

For Wang, landing the lead role is deeply personal. “I was the target audience when that movie [2010’s The Karate Kid] came out,” Wang told Entertainment Weekly. “Also, I grew up watching Jackie Chan movies. He is the first memory I have of knowing what an actor is. It was all of my favorite things in one place.”

Director Jonathan Entwistle praised Wang as the perfect fit, saying: “We needed someone who could speak Mandarin, do martial arts, and act. Those three things are really, really difficult to find.”


The Karate Kid franchise first kicked off in 1984, introducing Ralph Macchio as the underdog Daniel LaRusso and Pat Morita as the wise Mr. Miyagi. It became a global phenomenon, spawning sequels, a 2010 reboot with Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan, and the wildly successful Netflix series Cobra Kai. Now, Karate Kid: Legends will connect these worlds in a way that fans have been waiting for.

Set to release on May 30, 2025, Karate Kid: Legends promises to honor the legacy of its iconic characters while introducing a new generation to the franchise. With Jackie Chan and Ralph Macchio teaming up, this is one movie fans of all ages won’t want to miss.

What are your thoughts on Karate Kid: Legends bringing together Ralph Macchio and Jackie Chan? Will this connection do justice to the franchise? Drop your thoughts in the comments below!

H Jenkins

Years of experience in writing, journalism, and digging exclusive insider info for Ringside News opened the door for a new opportunity for Jenkins. With a history in finance, he broke into the journalism game by writing on blogs and other freelance websites before branching into sports and entertainment news. Being in tune with pop culture doesn't mean it has to make sense, but he tries. Favorite bands include any group from Seattle who formed between 1991 and 1999. 5 Ozzfests under his belt and 12 Warped Tours, but his last concert was a bluegrass AC/DC cover band that was not 100% terrible.

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